Add Friends

Last updated on Jan 17, 2024

Send Friend Requests

Send friend requests to any user from the friends right sidebar. Type the username to search among the users in the platform and the add the recognised user as a friend. Here the process:

  1. Click on the chat icon to see the friends sidebar.

  2. Click on the + icon on the right sidebar for friends.

  3. Type the username of your friend.

  4. Click on add friend to send a request.

Accept a Friend Request

Accepting a friend request is very straight forward. From the friend sidebar there’s a section for received requests. Here the steps:

  1. Enlarge the right sidebar for friends.

  2. Enlarge the section for friend requests.

  3. Click on accept or deny the received friend requests.

Chat with Friends

There’s nothing better, than gaming with your squad and exchanges quick messages back and forth before or after a good game. The process is quite simple and intuitive. All your friends appear on the right sidebar. If any of your friends is online, the profile picture appears with a green underline covering the avatar image.

  1. Click on a friend profile picture.

  2. Type messages to your friend!