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Join a Beta

Last updated on Dec 29, 2023

Join a private beta

Get private access to a private beta game from our platform. There are 2 ways to get access to a game in private beta:

  • Beta Code

  • NFT-Pass

Beta Codes

If you have a beta code, the process to activate it is very simple. You can do it from your account settings. Here the process:

  1. Sign in Elixir Launcher.

  2. Go to the game page and click on Join

  3. Paste your beta code.


If you own an NFT that gives you access to some game(s), then just connect the wallet to Elixir to grant access to the game(s). Here the guide to connect wallets to Elixir: https://help.elixir.app/hc/help/articles/1669113840-wallet-management